Package X3dForWebAuthors.Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation
package X3dForWebAuthors.Chapter07EventAnimationInterpolation
ClassDescriptionRun-time modification of a fishes position using PositionInterpolator.This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod.This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod.Demonstrate basic design pattern for animating a node.This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod.Example to interpolate using CoordinateInterpolator2D - click geometry to activate animation loop.Morph coordinates for smooth animation between 3 different dolphin poses using CoordinateInterpolator.First pose for bottlenose dolphin is neutral position, exported from Maya with values used in DolphinMorpher.Second pose for bottlenose dolphin is curved upward, exported from Maya with values used in DolphinMorpher.Third pose for bottlenose dolphin is curved downward, exported from Maya with values used in DolphinMorpher.Switch animation among three different dolphin poses in a freeze-frame style.The basic, unanimated Garibaldi fish.Fully developed animation-chain example showing spinning globe and text: Hello!.This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod.Example normal (perpendicular vector) animation, where orange vectors show normal direction at each polygon vertex.Run-time modification of fishes position and orientation using PositionInterpolator and OrientationInterpolator.This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod.Interpolation example using PositionInterpolator2D, user can touch (select) the geometry to activate an animation loop that rescales the image texture superimposed on the geometry.This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod.Demonstrate use of PositionInterpolator and OrientationInterpolator to animate object motion.Demonstrate use of PositionInterpolator and OrientationInterpolator to animate object motion, with console output tracing added for PositionInterpolator and ROUTE events.Demonstrate use of ScalarInterpolator to animate transparency.Run-time changing of a scalar property: Material transparency.This is a prototype for a CircleFish, which is also used by CircleFishLod.Connecting TimeSensor nodes so that the completion of one behavior chain triggers another.