Need map of church coordinate system. Where is origin? In what direction are the X Y Z axes?
Additional items
Bell animation: want to set the center of rotation at the top center of the bell
Add Viewpoints and ViewpointSequencer tour - done. Also WaypointInterpolator tour.
Add Bell.x3d and integrate clapper: done.
Record sounds of bells chiming at the church (Don).
BellSound will need to be moved from a MovieTexture node to a Sound/AudioClip.
Add images, benches, etc.
Uncomment author assists in the scenes
Add PointLights directly between windows, also add chandeliers and corresponding lights.
Consider different lighting schemes.
Consider LightingSwitch prototype to handle enabling/disabling groups of lights.
These are being tested in LightingAlternatives.x3d
How to maintain photographs?
Don: add semi-transparent image capability to moving grid widgets