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<meta name='titlecontent='TextureMapComparisonsCylinder.x3d'/>
<meta name='descriptioncontent='Compare ImageTexture mapping for a variety of geometry nodes. This is an excellent test scene for different X3D browsers.'/>
<meta name='creatorcontent='Sungmin Kwon and Don Brutzman'/>
<meta name='createdcontent='17 December 2017'/>
<meta name='modifiedcontent='21 January 2020'/>
<meta name='referencecontent='TextureMapTesting.pdf'/>
<meta name='Imagecontent='TextureMapComparisonsCylinderX_ITE.png'/>
<meta name='Imagecontent='TextureMapComparisonsCylinderX3DOM.png'/>
<meta name='Imagecontent='TextureMapComparisonsCylinderBSContact.png'/>
<meta name='Imagecontent='TextureMapComparisonsCylinderFreeWrl.png'/>
<meta name='Imagecontent='TextureMapComparisonsCylinderH3DViewer.png'/>
<meta name='Imagecontent='TextureMapComparisonsCylinderInstantReality.png'/>
<meta name='Imagecontent='TextureMapComparisonsCylinderView3dScene.png'/>
<meta name='Imagecontent='TextureMapComparisonsCylinderXj3D.png'/>
<meta name='referencecontent='TextureMapComparisonsRectangle.x3d'/>
<meta name='referencecontent=' https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dSceneAuthoringHints.html#Images '/>
<meta name='specificationSectioncontent='X3D Abstract Specification, 18.2.3 Texture coordinates'/>
<meta name='specificationUrlcontent=' https://www.web3d.org/specifications/X3Dv4Draft/ISO-IEC19775-1v4-IS.proof/Part01/components/texturing.html#Texturecoordinates '/>
<meta name='Imagecontent=' https://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Images/ImageTexture.gif '/>
<meta name='identifiercontent=' https://x3dgraphics.com/examples/X3dForAdvancedModeling/TextureMapping/TextureMapComparisonsCylinder.x3d '/>
<meta name='generatorcontent='X3D-Edit 3.3, https://savage.nps.edu/X3D-Edit'/>
<meta name='licensecontent=' ../license.html'/>
<!-- -->
<WorldInfo title='TextureMapComparisonsCylinder.x3d'/>
<Viewpoint DEF='Viewpoint1description='default viewposition='0 0 21'/>
<!-- == === ==== 1st row -->
<Transform translation='0 0.2 0'>
<!-- Cylinder -->
<Transform translation='0 3 0'>
<Transform translation='-6 0 0'> </Transform>
<!-- Indexed Face Set -->
<Transform translation='-3.5 0 0'>
<Appearance USE='TextureAppearance'/>
<IndexedFaceSet DEF='BaseIFScoordIndex='0 1 9 8 -1 1 2 10 9 -1 2 3 11 10 -1 3 4 12 11 -1 4 5 13 12 -1 5 6 14 13 -1 6 7 15 14 -1 7 0 8 15 -1 8 9 17 16 -1 9 10 18 17 -1 10 11 19 18 -1 11 12 20 19 -1 12 13 21 20 -1 13 14 22 21 -1 14 15 23 22 -1 15 8 16 23 -1'>
<Coordinate DEF='CsForCylinderpoint='0 -1 1 0.707 -1 0.707 1 -1 0 0.707 -1 -0.707 0 -1 -1 -0.707 -1 -0.707 -1 -1 0 -0.707 -1 0.707 0 0.5 1 0.707 0.5 0.707 1 0.5 0 0.707 0.5 -0.707 0 0.5 -1 -0.707 0.5 -0.707 -1 0.5 0 -0.707 0.5 0.707 0 1 1 0.707 1 0.707 1 1 0 0.707 1 -0.707 0 1 -1 -0.707 1 -0.707 -1 1 0 -0.707 1 0.707'/>
<!-- Indexed Triangle Strip Set -->
<Transform translation='-1 0 0'>
<Appearance USE='TextureAppearance'/>
<IndexedTriangleStripSet DEF='BaseITSSccw='truecolorPerVertex='trueindex='8 0 9 1 10 2 11 3 12 4 13 5 14 6 15 7 8 0 -1 16 8 17 9 18 10 19 11 20 12 21 13 22 14 23 15 16 8 -1normalPerVertex='truesolid='truecontainerField='geometry'>
<Coordinate USE='CsForCylinder'/>
<!-- Extrusion -->
<Transform translation='1.5 0 0'>
<Appearance USE='TextureAppearance'/>
<Extrusion DEF='BaseExtrusionShapecrossSection='0 -1 -0.707 -0.707 -1 0 -0.707 0.707 0 1 0.707 0.707 1 0 0.707 -0.707 0 -1spine='0 -1 0 0 0.5 0 0 1 0'>
<!-- spine is open, crossSection is closed -->
<!-- == === ==== 2nd row -->
<!-- Cylinder -->
<Transform translation='0 0.5 0'>
<Transform translation='-6 0 0'>
<Appearance DEF='TextureRotate'>
<ImageTexture USE='SpecificationTexture'/>
<TextureTransform rotation='0.8'/>
<!-- Indexed Face Set -->
<Transform translation='-3.5 0 0'>
<Appearance USE='TextureRotate'/>
<IndexedFaceSet USE='BaseIFS'/>
<!-- Indexed Triangle Strip Set -->
<Transform translation='-1 0 0'>
<Appearance USE='TextureRotate'/>
<IndexedTriangleStripSet USE='BaseITSScontainerField='geometry'/>
<!-- Extrusion -->
<Transform translation='1.5 0 0'>
<Appearance USE='TextureRotate'/>
<Extrusion USE='BaseExtrusionShape'/>
<!-- == === ==== 3rd row -->
<!-- Cylinder -->
<Transform translation='0 -2 0'>
<Transform translation='-6 0 0'>
<Appearance DEF='TextureTranslate'>
<ImageTexture USE='SpecificationTexture'/>
<TextureTransform rotation='0.8translation='0.2 -0.5'/>
<!-- Indexed Face Set -->
<Transform translation='-3.5 0 0'>
<Appearance USE='TextureTranslate'/>
<IndexedFaceSet USE='BaseIFS'/>
<!-- Indexed Triangle Strip Set -->
<Transform translation='-1 0 0'>
<Appearance USE='TextureTranslate'/>
<IndexedTriangleStripSet USE='BaseITSScontainerField='geometry'/>
<!-- Extrusion -->
<Transform translation='1.5 0 0'>
<Appearance USE='TextureTranslate'/>
<Extrusion USE='BaseExtrusionShape'/>
<!-- == === ==== 4th row -->
<!-- Cylinder -->
<Transform translation='0 -4.5 0'>
<Transform translation='-6 0 0'>
<Appearance DEF='TextureScale'>
<ImageTexture USE='SpecificationTexture'/>
<TextureTransform rotation='0.8scale='2 2translation='0.2 -0.5'/>
<!-- Indexed Face Set -->
<Transform translation='-3.5 0 0'>
<Appearance USE='TextureScale'/>
<IndexedFaceSet USE='BaseIFS'/>
<!-- Indexed Triangle Strip Set -->
<Transform translation='-1 0 0'>
<Appearance USE='TextureScale'/>
<IndexedTriangleStripSet USE='BaseITSScontainerField='geometry'/>
<!-- Extrusion -->
<Transform translation='1.5 0 0'>
<Appearance USE='TextureScale'/>
<Extrusion USE='BaseExtrusionShape'/>
<!-- == === ==== 5th row -->
<!-- Cylinder -->
<Transform translation='0 -7 0'>
<Transform translation='-6 0 0'>
<Appearance DEF='AppearanceNoTexture'>
<Material diffuseColor='0.6 1 1'/>
<!-- Indexed Face Set -->
<Transform translation='-3.5 0 0'>
<Appearance USE='AppearanceNoTexture'/>
<IndexedFaceSet coordIndex='0 1 9 8 -1 1 2 10 9 -1 2 3 11 10 -1 3 4 12 11 -1 4 5 13 12 -1 5 6 14 13 -1 6 7 15 14 -1 7 0 8 15 -1 8 9 17 16 -1 9 10 18 17 -1 10 11 19 18 -1 11 12 20 19 -1 12 13 21 20 -1 13 14 22 21 -1 14 15 23 22 -1 15 8 16 23 -1'>
<Coordinate USE='CsForCylinder'/>
<!-- Indexed Triangle Strip Set -->
<Transform translation='-1 0 0'>
<Appearance USE='AppearanceNoTexture'/>
<IndexedTriangleStripSet ccw='truecolorPerVertex='trueindex='8 0 9 1 10 2 11 3 12 4 13 5 14 6 15 7 8 0 -1 16 8 17 9 18 10 19 11 20 12 21 13 22 14 23 15 16 8 -1normalPerVertex='truesolid='truecontainerField='geometry'>
<Coordinate USE='CsForCylinder'/>
<!-- Extrusion -->
<Transform translation='1.5 0 0'>
<Appearance USE='AppearanceNoTexture'/>
<Extrusion USE='BaseExtrusionShape'/>
<!-- == === ==== Text -->
<!-- Title -->
<Transform translation='0 7 0'>
<Text DEF='Titlestring='"Texture Map Comparisons for Cylinders!"'>
<FontStyle justify='"MIDDLE" "FIRST"'/>
<Appearance DEF='DefaultAppearance'>
<Material DEF='DefaultMaterial'/>
<!-- X axis : Geometry Index -->
<Transform translation='0 5.2 0'>
<!-- Cylinder -->
<Transform translation='-6 0 0'>
<Text string='"Cylinder"'>
<FontStyle DEF='CenterFontStylejustify='"MIDDLE" "MIDDLE"size='0.75style='BOLD'/>
<!-- Indexed Face Set -->
<Transform translation='-3.5 0 0'>
<Text string='"IFS"'>
<FontStyle USE='CenterFontStyle'/>
<!-- Indexed Triangle Strip Set -->
<Transform translation='-1 0 0'>
<Text string='"ITSS"'>
<FontStyle USE='CenterFontStyle'/>
<!-- Extrusion -->
<Transform translation='1.5 0 0'>
<Text string='"Extrusion"'>
<FontStyle USE='CenterFontStyle'/>
<!-- Y axis : Texture Description -->
<Transform translation='3 3.5 0'>
<Text string='"Default Texture"'>
<FontStyle DEF='LeftFontStylejustify='"BEGIN" "MIDDLE"size='0.75'/>
<Transform translation='0 -2.5 0'>
<Text string='"Rotate Texture"'>
<FontStyle USE='LeftFontStyle'/>
<Transform translation='0 -5 0'>
<Text string='"Rotate, Translate Texture"'>
<FontStyle USE='LeftFontStyle'/>
<Transform translation='0 -7.5 0'>
<Text string='"Rotate, Translate, Scale"'>
<FontStyle USE='LeftFontStyle'/>
<Transform translation='0 -10 0'>
<Text string='"No Texture"'>
<FontStyle USE='LeftFontStyle'/>
<Material diffuseColor='0.6 1 1'/>

Index for DEF nodes : AppearanceNoTexture, BaseExtrusionShape, BaseIFS, BaseITSS, CenterFontStyle, CsForCylinder, DefaultAppearance, DefaultMaterial, LeftFontStyle, SpecificationTexture, TextureAppearance, TextureRotate, TextureScale, TextureTranslate, Title, Viewpoint1

Index for Viewpoint image : Viewpoint1

<!-- Color key: <X3dNode DEF='idName' field='value'/> matches <XmlElement DEF='idName' attribute='value'/>
(Light blue background: behavior node) (Grey background: inserted documentation) (Magenta background: X3D Extensibility)

<!-- For additional help information about X3D scenes, please see X3D Tooltips, X3D Resources and X3D Scene Authoring Hints. -->