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<meta name='titlecontent='Century19thModel2.x3d'/>
<meta name='descriptioncontent='San Carlos Cathedral is the oldest continuously functioning church and the first stone building in the State of California.'/>
<meta name='creatorcontent='Michele Foti'/>
<meta name='createdcontent='6 April 2012'/>
<meta name='modifiedcontent='20 October 2019'/>
<meta name='referencecontent='TODO.html'/>
<meta name='referencecontent=' http://www.sancarloscathedral.net '/>
<meta name='referencecontent='RoyalPresidioChapelHistoricalReferences.pdf'/>
<meta name='referencecontent='CulturalHeritageProjectSanCarlosCathedral.pdf'/>
<meta name='referencecontent='originals/'/>
<meta name='Imagecontent='SanCarlosCathedralFrontAbove.2012February.png'/>
<meta name='referencecontent='originals/ModelSanCarlosChurchFeb-3-2012.x3d'/>
<meta name=' warning content=' under development '/>
<meta name='identifiercontent=' https://x3dgraphics.com/examples/X3dForAdvancedModeling/SanCarlosCathedral/Century19thModel2.x3d '/>
<meta name='generatorcontent='X3D-Edit 3.3, https://savage.nps.edu/X3D-Edit'/>
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Index for DEF nodes : Arco1, Arco2b, ArcoIngressoEst, ArcoIngressoInt, arcoSopra, arcoSopra2, ArcoTorre5, ArcoTorre6, ArcoTrav2e, ArcoTrave, balcony, Base, BaseCil1, baseCil1bis, baseCil2, BaseCroce, BaseRingh2, basestec, batt, Bell, box, box1, box1c, box1cPicc, box1p, Campana1, campana2, Cap, Cap2, Cap3, CenterOfCoordinateSystem, Centro, Centro0, Centro01, Centro2, Cglass, CHandelier, Chandelier, Chandelier1, Chandelier5, Chandelier6, cil, cilc, Controfacciatadx, Controfacciatasx, CoordinateAxes, CoordinateSystem, CoperturaScalino, Cornicione, cornicione1, cornicione1Picc, cornicione2, cornicione2Picc, cur, curva11, curva12, curva13, curva14, curva21, curva22, curva23, curva24, curva2bis, curva31, curva32, curva33, curva34, curva4, curva41, curva5, curva51, curvax, faccestra1, faccestra12, FacciataDX, FacciataDX2, FacciataDXestDIETRO, FacciataSopra, FacciataSopraDietro, FacciataSX, FacciataSx, FacciataSXest, FacciataSXestDIETRO, FacciataSXint, FacciataSXintOrizzontale, Finestra, finestra11Est, finestra11Int, Finestra12SX, finestra1Est, finestra1Int, finestra21Est, finestra21Int, finestra2Est, finestra2Int, FinFacciata, Floor, FrontoneTorre, leftFacade, MuroAAx1, MuroAAx2, MuroAAx3, MuroAAx4, MuroAAx5, MuroAAx6, MuroAAx7, MuroAAx8, MuroAAx8b, MuroAAx9o, MuroAAx9o2, murodietr, MuroDietro, MuroDietroEst, MuroDietroInt, murofront1, murofront1d, murofront2, murofront3, murofront3d, murofront4, MuroFrontCentale5, murolat, MuroLat5DX, MuroLat5SX, MuroLateraleDX, MuroLateraleEst, MuroLateraleEst2, MuroLateraleInt, MuroLateraleInt2, MuroLateraleSX, MuroLatSottoEst, MuroLatSottoInt, MuroLatSottoSX2, MuroTransetto1DX, MuroTransetto1DXInterno, MuroTransetto1EstDX, MuroTransetto1IntDX, muroz11n, muroz1n, muroz21n, muroz2n, n1, n1bis, n1bisc, n1biscPicc, n1bisp, n1c, n1cPicc, n1p, n2, n2bis, n2bisc, n2biscPicc, n2bisp, n2c, n2cPicc, n2p, nicchia, nicchia2dentro, nicchia2Fuori, NicchiaSX1, NicchiaSX1Dietro, NicchiaSX2Dentro, NicchiaSX2Fuori, pali2, pali3, palo1, palo2, palo3, palo4, palo5, palo6, Pavimento1, Pavimento2, Pavimento31, Pavimento313, Pavimento31Scalino, Pavimento31ScalinoSottile, Pavimento31Sottile, pavsx, pavsx2, Piano, Piano1bis, Piano2, SacrestiaEST, SacrestiaEST2, SacrestiaInEs, SacrestiaInEs2, SacrestiaInEsw, SacrestiaTetto, SacrestiaTetto1, SacrestiaTetto3, SacrestiaTettoSopra, SacrestiaTettoSopra1, SacrestiaTettoSopraTexture, SacrestiaTettoSopray, scal, scal2, scal21, scal22, scal232, scal233, scal234, scal235, scal236, scal237, scal238, scal3, scal31, scal313, scal32, scal32bis, scal34, scal35, scal36, scal37, scal38, scal39, scal4, scal41, scal42, Scale1, Scale12, Scale2, Scale21, Scale22, Scale231, Scale31, Scale3Front, Scale3Up, Scalino, scalino1, scalino33, scalino3bis, scalino3quatris, scalino3tris, scalinoq, scalinoqe, scalq1, scalq10, scalq11, scalq2, scalq3, scalq4, scalq5, scalq6, scalq7, scalq8, scalq9, Sequenc, Sfera, Sferabis, SopraTetto1, SopraTetto2, StairCover, STEC, STec, stec, steccato1, steccato10, steccato11, steccato12, steccato13, steccato2, steccato23, steccato24, steccato3, steccato344w, steccato35, steccato4, steccato5, steccato6, steccato7, steccato8, steccatoDietr, steccatoDietr2, steccatOrizz, steccatOrizz2277, steccatOrizz255, steccatOrizz266, steccatOrizz32, steccatOrizz44, stecOrizz, stecOrizz2, stecOrizz3, Strozzatura1, Strozzatura11, Strozzatura2, Strozzatura3, Strozzatura4, switch, Termine0Est, Termine0Int, termine1Est, termine1Int, terminexfacc1DX, terminexfacc1DX2, terminexfacc2DX, terminexfacc2DX2, terminexfin12SX, terminexfin12SXbis, terminexfin22SX, terminexfin22SXbis, TerminiFinFacciata, terminixfaccLAT, terminixfaccLAT2, terminixfaccSOTT, terminixfaccSOTT2, terminixfinLAT2SX, terminixfinSOT2SX, TettO, Tetto, TettO1, TettO3, time, tondo1, tondo2, torr2, torr4Front, torr5Facc, Torretta, Torrtta, touch1, TOWER, TR1, TR2, TR3, Transform, Trave1, Trave2
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<!-- BELLS -->
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<!-- FACADE -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for touch1 node:  [from touchTime to time.startTime ] -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for time node:  [from touch1.touchTime to startTime ] [from fraction_changed to Sequenc.set_fraction ] -->
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<!-- ROUTE information for Sequenc node:  [from time.fraction_changed to set_fraction ] [from value_changed to switch.whichChoice ] -->
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Index for DEF nodes : Arco1, Arco2b, ArcoIngressoEst, ArcoIngressoInt, arcoSopra, arcoSopra2, ArcoTorre5, ArcoTorre6, ArcoTrav2e, ArcoTrave, balcony, Base, BaseCil1, baseCil1bis, baseCil2, BaseCroce, BaseRingh2, basestec, batt, Bell, box, box1, box1c, box1cPicc, box1p, Campana1, campana2, Cap, Cap2, Cap3, CenterOfCoordinateSystem, Centro, Centro0, Centro01, Centro2, Cglass, CHandelier, Chandelier, Chandelier1, Chandelier5, Chandelier6, cil, cilc, Controfacciatadx, Controfacciatasx, CoordinateAxes, CoordinateSystem, CoperturaScalino, Cornicione, cornicione1, cornicione1Picc, cornicione2, cornicione2Picc, cur, curva11, curva12, curva13, curva14, curva21, curva22, curva23, curva24, curva2bis, curva31, curva32, curva33, curva34, curva4, curva41, curva5, curva51, curvax, faccestra1, faccestra12, FacciataDX, FacciataDX2, FacciataDXestDIETRO, FacciataSopra, FacciataSopraDietro, FacciataSX, FacciataSx, FacciataSXest, FacciataSXestDIETRO, FacciataSXint, FacciataSXintOrizzontale, Finestra, finestra11Est, finestra11Int, Finestra12SX, finestra1Est, finestra1Int, finestra21Est, finestra21Int, finestra2Est, finestra2Int, FinFacciata, Floor, FrontoneTorre, leftFacade, MuroAAx1, MuroAAx2, MuroAAx3, MuroAAx4, MuroAAx5, MuroAAx6, MuroAAx7, MuroAAx8, MuroAAx8b, MuroAAx9o, MuroAAx9o2, murodietr, MuroDietro, MuroDietroEst, MuroDietroInt, murofront1, murofront1d, murofront2, murofront3, murofront3d, murofront4, MuroFrontCentale5, murolat, MuroLat5DX, MuroLat5SX, MuroLateraleDX, MuroLateraleEst, MuroLateraleEst2, MuroLateraleInt, MuroLateraleInt2, MuroLateraleSX, MuroLatSottoEst, MuroLatSottoInt, MuroLatSottoSX2, MuroTransetto1DX, MuroTransetto1DXInterno, MuroTransetto1EstDX, MuroTransetto1IntDX, muroz11n, muroz1n, muroz21n, muroz2n, n1, n1bis, n1bisc, n1biscPicc, n1bisp, n1c, n1cPicc, n1p, n2, n2bis, n2bisc, n2biscPicc, n2bisp, n2c, n2cPicc, n2p, nicchia, nicchia2dentro, nicchia2Fuori, NicchiaSX1, NicchiaSX1Dietro, NicchiaSX2Dentro, NicchiaSX2Fuori, pali2, pali3, palo1, palo2, palo3, palo4, palo5, palo6, Pavimento1, Pavimento2, Pavimento31, Pavimento313, Pavimento31Scalino, Pavimento31ScalinoSottile, Pavimento31Sottile, pavsx, pavsx2, Piano, Piano1bis, Piano2, SacrestiaEST, SacrestiaEST2, SacrestiaInEs, SacrestiaInEs2, SacrestiaInEsw, SacrestiaTetto, SacrestiaTetto1, SacrestiaTetto3, SacrestiaTettoSopra, SacrestiaTettoSopra1, SacrestiaTettoSopraTexture, SacrestiaTettoSopray, scal, scal2, scal21, scal22, scal232, scal233, scal234, scal235, scal236, scal237, scal238, scal3, scal31, scal313, scal32, scal32bis, scal34, scal35, scal36, scal37, scal38, scal39, scal4, scal41, scal42, Scale1, Scale12, Scale2, Scale21, Scale22, Scale231, Scale31, Scale3Front, Scale3Up, Scalino, scalino1, scalino33, scalino3bis, scalino3quatris, scalino3tris, scalinoq, scalinoqe, scalq1, scalq10, scalq11, scalq2, scalq3, scalq4, scalq5, scalq6, scalq7, scalq8, scalq9, Sequenc, Sfera, Sferabis, SopraTetto1, SopraTetto2, StairCover, STEC, STec, stec, steccato1, steccato10, steccato11, steccato12, steccato13, steccato2, steccato23, steccato24, steccato3, steccato344w, steccato35, steccato4, steccato5, steccato6, steccato7, steccato8, steccatoDietr, steccatoDietr2, steccatOrizz, steccatOrizz2277, steccatOrizz255, steccatOrizz266, steccatOrizz32, steccatOrizz44, stecOrizz, stecOrizz2, stecOrizz3, Strozzatura1, Strozzatura11, Strozzatura2, Strozzatura3, Strozzatura4, switch, Termine0Est, Termine0Int, termine1Est, termine1Int, terminexfacc1DX, terminexfacc1DX2, terminexfacc2DX, terminexfacc2DX2, terminexfin12SX, terminexfin12SXbis, terminexfin22SX, terminexfin22SXbis, TerminiFinFacciata, terminixfaccLAT, terminixfaccLAT2, terminixfaccSOTT, terminixfaccSOTT2, terminixfinLAT2SX, terminixfinSOT2SX, TettO, Tetto, TettO1, TettO3, time, tondo1, tondo2, torr2, torr4Front, torr5Facc, Torretta, Torrtta, touch1, TOWER, TR1, TR2, TR3, Transform, Trave1, Trave2

<!-- Color key: <X3dNode DEF='idName' field='value'/> matches <XmlElement DEF='idName' attribute='value'/>
(Light blue background: behavior node) (Grey background: inserted documentation) (Magenta background: X3D Extensibility)

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