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<meta name='titlecontent='ChurchRoof.x3d'/>
<meta name='descriptioncontent='San Carlos Cathedral is the oldest continuously functioning church and the first stone building in the State of California.'/>
<meta name='creatorcontent='Michele Foti'/>
<meta name='createdcontent='15 December 2011'/>
<meta name='modifiedcontent='20 October 2019'/>
<meta name='referencecontent='tests/'/>
<meta name='referencecontent='TODO.html'/>
<meta name='referencecontent=' http://www.sancarloscathedral.net '/>
<meta name='referencecontent='RoyalPresidioChapelHistoricalReferences.pdf'/>
<meta name='referencecontent='CulturalHeritageProjectSanCarlosCathedral.pdf'/>
<meta name='referencecontent='originals/'/>
<meta name='Imagecontent='SanCarlosCathedralFrontAbove.2012February.png'/>
<meta name='referencecontent='originals/ModelSanCarlosChurchFeb-3-2012.x3d'/>
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<meta name='identifiercontent=' https://x3dgraphics.com/examples/X3dForAdvancedModeling/SanCarlosCathedral/ChurchRoof.x3d '/>
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Index for DEF nodes : _______TOWERBIG________, Arco3, arcoSopra, Base, BaseCil1, baseCil1bis, baseCil2, BaseCroce, BisRetro2Est, BisRetro2Int, box, box1, box1c, campana1, campana2, campanaEtrave1, Cap, Cap2, Cap3, Centro, cil, cilc, ColonninaTetto, ColonninaTetto2, Controfacciatadx, Controfacciatasx, Cornicione, cornicione1, cornicione2, Croce1, Croce2, cur, curva11, curva12, curva13, curva14, curva21, curva22, curva23, curva24, curva2bis, curva31, curva32, curva33, curva34, curva3bis, curva3bis2, curva4, curva5, faccestra1, faccestra12, FacciataDX, FacciataDXestDIETRO, FacciataSopra, FacciataSopraDietro, FacciataSX, FacciataSXest, FacciataSXestDIETRO, FacciataSXint, FacciataSXintOrizzontale, Finestra, Finestra1, finestra1, finestra11, Finestra12SX, Finestra2, finestra2, finestra21, Finestra22SX, Finestra3, Finestra32SX, Finestra4DX, Finestra4DXbis, Finestra4DXtris, Finestra4SX, FinestraA1, finestraDX, finestraSX, FinestreDX, FinestreSX, FinFacciata, FrontoneTorre, MuriRetro1, muro, MuroDietro1, MuroDietro2, MuroDietro3, MuroDietro4, MuroDietro5SX, MuroFrontCentale5, MuroLat5DX, MuroLat5SX, MuroLat5SX2Centro, MuroLat6DX, MuroLat7DX, MuroLateraleDX, MuroLateraleEst, MuroLateraleEst2, MuroLateraleInt, MuroLateraleInt2, MuroLateraleSX, MuroLatSotto, MuroLatSottoDX2, MuroLatSottoSX2, MuroTransetto1DX, MuroTransetto1EstSX, MuroTransetto1EsttDX, MuroTransetto1IntSX, MuroTransetto1InttDX, MuroTransetto1InttDXLat, MuroTransetto1SX, MuroTransetto3DX, MuroTransetto3Est, MuroTransetto3Est2, MuroTransetto3Int, MuroTransetto3Int2, MuroTransetto3SX, MuroTransetto4DX, MuroTransetto4Est, MuroTransetto4Est2, MuroTransetto4Int, MuroTransetto4Int2, MuroTransetto4SX, n1, n1bis, n1bisc, n1c, n2, n2bis, n2bisc, n2c, nicchia, nicchia2, NicchiaSX1, NicchiaSX2, NicchiaTransetto1, NicchiaTransetto12, NicchiaTransetto2, NicchiaTransetto22, Pavimento2, portaDX, PortaPresb, PortaRetro, portaSX, Presbiterio, Presbiterio1Est, Presbiterio1Int, Presbiterio2Est, Presbiterio2Int, Retro, Retro1Est, Retro1Int, Retro2Est, Retro2Int, Roof, Roofdx, Roofsx, SacrestiaEST, SacrestiaInEs, SacrestiaInEse, SacrestiaINT, SacrestiaTetto, SacrestiaTettoSopra, SandStone, Scale3, Sfera, Sferabis, Soffitto2, SopraTetto, sottotetto2dx, sottotetto2sx, sottotetto4dx, sottotetto4dx1, sottotetto4sx, Strozzatura1, Strozzatura11, Strozzatura2, Strozzatura3, Strozzatura4, Termine0, termine1, terminexfacc1DX, terminexfacc1DX2, terminexfacc2DX, terminexfacc2DX2, terminexfin1, terminexfin12, terminexfin12SX, terminexfin12SXbis, terminexfin1bis, terminexfin1DX, terminexfin1DXbis, terminexfin1tris, terminexfin2, terminexfin22, terminexfin22SX, terminexfin22SXbis, terminexfin2bis, terminexfin2DX, terminexfin2DXbis, terminexfin2tris, terminexfin4, terminexfin42, terminexfin422, terminexfin4222, terminexfin42bis, terminexfin42tris, terminexfin4bis, terminexfin4tris, terminexfinA1, terminexfinA12, terminexfinA2, terminexfinA22, terminexpor1, terminexpor12SX, terminexpor1bis, terminexpor1bis2, terminexpor2, terminexpor22SX, terminexpor2bis, terminexpor2bis2, TerminiFinFacciata, terminixfaccLAT, terminixfaccLAT2, terminixfaccSOTT, terminixfaccSOTT2, terminixfinLAT, terminixfinLAT2SX, terminixfinLAT4, terminixfinLAT42, terminixfinLAT4bis, terminixfinLAT4tris, terminixfinLATa, terminixfinSOT, terminixfinSOT2, terminixfinSOT2SX, terminixfinSOTa, terminixfinSOTbis, terminixfinSOTquatris, terminixfinSOTtris, terminixpor, terminixporbis2, terminixporSX, TETTO, Tetto, Tetton, torr2, torr3, torr4Front, torr5Facc, torr6DietroSx, Torretta, Torrtta, TR1, TR3, Trave2, Trave3dx, Trave3sx, TraveTetto, TraveTetto1, TraveTetto1sx, TraveTetto5dx, TraveTetto5dx3, TRAVI, TravTetto, TravTetto10, TravTetto11, TravTetto2, TravTetto3, TravTetto4, TravTetto5, TravTetto6, TravTetto7, TravTetto8, TravTetto9
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<Transform translation='3 0 0'>
<Group USE='TravTetto7'/>
<Transform translation='4.5 0 0'>
<Group USE='TravTetto7'/>
<Transform translation='6 0 0'>
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<Transform translation='1.5 0 0'>
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<Transform translation='3 0 0'>
<Group USE='TravTetto8'/>
<Transform translation='4.5 0 0'>
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<Group USE='TravTetto9'/>
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<Transform translation='0 0 -3'>
<Group USE='TravTetto10'/>
<Transform translation='0 0 -4.5'>
<Group USE='TravTetto10'/>
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<Box size='1.2 0.08 0.08'/>
<Material USE='SandStone'/>
<Transform translation='1.5 0 0'>
<Group USE='TravTetto11'/>
<Transform translation='3 0 0'>
<Group USE='TravTetto11'/>
<Transform translation='4.5 0 0'>
<Group USE='TravTetto11'/>
<Transform translation='6 0 0'>
<Group USE='TravTetto11'/>
<Transform translation='7.5 0 0'>
<Group USE='TravTetto11'/>
<!-- Enter any text between the end tags <Transform DEF="sottotetto1dx"
translation='11 4.58 -14.66' rotation="0 0 1 -0.33"> <Shape> <Box size='0.8 0.08 30.06'/> <Appearance> <Material diffuseColor='1 0.25 0.25'/> </Appearance> </Shape> </Transform> <Transform DEF="sottotetto1sx"
translation='0.53 4.55 -16.23' rotation="0 0 1 0.33"> <Shape> <Box size='0.7 0.08 27'/> <Appearance> <Material diffuseColor='1 0.25 0.25'/> </Appearance> </Shape> </Transform> <Transform DEF="sottotetto2dx"
translation='14.545 4.55 -30' rotation="
1 0 0 0.33"> <Transform rotation="0 1 0 1.57"> <Shape> <Box size='0.6 0.08 6.36'/> <Appearance> <Material diffuseColor='1 0.25 0.25'/> </Appearance> </Shape> </Transform> </Transform> <Transform DEF="sottotetto2dx"
translation='-2.97 4.55 -30' rotation="
1 0 0 0.33"> <Transform rotation="0 1 0 1.57"> <Shape> <Box size='0.6 0.08 6.36'/> <Appearance> <Material diffuseColor='1 0.25 0.25'/> </Appearance> </Shape> </Transform> </Transform> <Transform DEF="sottotetto3dx"
translation='17.77 4.59 -33.66' rotation="0 0 1 -0.36"> <Shape> <Box size='0.8 0.08 7'/> <Appearance> <Material diffuseColor='1 0.25 0.25'/> </Appearance> </Shape> </Transform> -->

Index for DEF nodes : _______TOWERBIG________, Arco3, arcoSopra, Base, BaseCil1, baseCil1bis, baseCil2, BaseCroce, BisRetro2Est, BisRetro2Int, box, box1, box1c, campana1, campana2, campanaEtrave1, Cap, Cap2, Cap3, Centro, cil, cilc, ColonninaTetto, ColonninaTetto2, Controfacciatadx, Controfacciatasx, Cornicione, cornicione1, cornicione2, Croce1, Croce2, cur, curva11, curva12, curva13, curva14, curva21, curva22, curva23, curva24, curva2bis, curva31, curva32, curva33, curva34, curva3bis, curva3bis2, curva4, curva5, faccestra1, faccestra12, FacciataDX, FacciataDXestDIETRO, FacciataSopra, FacciataSopraDietro, FacciataSX, FacciataSXest, FacciataSXestDIETRO, FacciataSXint, FacciataSXintOrizzontale, Finestra, Finestra1, finestra1, finestra11, Finestra12SX, Finestra2, finestra2, finestra21, Finestra22SX, Finestra3, Finestra32SX, Finestra4DX, Finestra4DXbis, Finestra4DXtris, Finestra4SX, FinestraA1, finestraDX, finestraSX, FinestreDX, FinestreSX, FinFacciata, FrontoneTorre, MuriRetro1, muro, MuroDietro1, MuroDietro2, MuroDietro3, MuroDietro4, MuroDietro5SX, MuroFrontCentale5, MuroLat5DX, MuroLat5SX, MuroLat5SX2Centro, MuroLat6DX, MuroLat7DX, MuroLateraleDX, MuroLateraleEst, MuroLateraleEst2, MuroLateraleInt, MuroLateraleInt2, MuroLateraleSX, MuroLatSotto, MuroLatSottoDX2, MuroLatSottoSX2, MuroTransetto1DX, MuroTransetto1EstSX, MuroTransetto1EsttDX, MuroTransetto1IntSX, MuroTransetto1InttDX, MuroTransetto1InttDXLat, MuroTransetto1SX, MuroTransetto3DX, MuroTransetto3Est, MuroTransetto3Est2, MuroTransetto3Int, MuroTransetto3Int2, MuroTransetto3SX, MuroTransetto4DX, MuroTransetto4Est, MuroTransetto4Est2, MuroTransetto4Int, MuroTransetto4Int2, MuroTransetto4SX, n1, n1bis, n1bisc, n1c, n2, n2bis, n2bisc, n2c, nicchia, nicchia2, NicchiaSX1, NicchiaSX2, NicchiaTransetto1, NicchiaTransetto12, NicchiaTransetto2, NicchiaTransetto22, Pavimento2, portaDX, PortaPresb, PortaRetro, portaSX, Presbiterio, Presbiterio1Est, Presbiterio1Int, Presbiterio2Est, Presbiterio2Int, Retro, Retro1Est, Retro1Int, Retro2Est, Retro2Int, Roof, Roofdx, Roofsx, SacrestiaEST, SacrestiaInEs, SacrestiaInEse, SacrestiaINT, SacrestiaTetto, SacrestiaTettoSopra, SandStone, Scale3, Sfera, Sferabis, Soffitto2, SopraTetto, sottotetto2dx, sottotetto2sx, sottotetto4dx, sottotetto4dx1, sottotetto4sx, Strozzatura1, Strozzatura11, Strozzatura2, Strozzatura3, Strozzatura4, Termine0, termine1, terminexfacc1DX, terminexfacc1DX2, terminexfacc2DX, terminexfacc2DX2, terminexfin1, terminexfin12, terminexfin12SX, terminexfin12SXbis, terminexfin1bis, terminexfin1DX, terminexfin1DXbis, terminexfin1tris, terminexfin2, terminexfin22, terminexfin22SX, terminexfin22SXbis, terminexfin2bis, terminexfin2DX, terminexfin2DXbis, terminexfin2tris, terminexfin4, terminexfin42, terminexfin422, terminexfin4222, terminexfin42bis, terminexfin42tris, terminexfin4bis, terminexfin4tris, terminexfinA1, terminexfinA12, terminexfinA2, terminexfinA22, terminexpor1, terminexpor12SX, terminexpor1bis, terminexpor1bis2, terminexpor2, terminexpor22SX, terminexpor2bis, terminexpor2bis2, TerminiFinFacciata, terminixfaccLAT, terminixfaccLAT2, terminixfaccSOTT, terminixfaccSOTT2, terminixfinLAT, terminixfinLAT2SX, terminixfinLAT4, terminixfinLAT42, terminixfinLAT4bis, terminixfinLAT4tris, terminixfinLATa, terminixfinSOT, terminixfinSOT2, terminixfinSOT2SX, terminixfinSOTa, terminixfinSOTbis, terminixfinSOTquatris, terminixfinSOTtris, terminixpor, terminixporbis2, terminixporSX, TETTO, Tetto, Tetton, torr2, torr3, torr4Front, torr5Facc, torr6DietroSx, Torretta, Torrtta, TR1, TR3, Trave2, Trave3dx, Trave3sx, TraveTetto, TraveTetto1, TraveTetto1sx, TraveTetto5dx, TraveTetto5dx3, TRAVI, TravTetto, TravTetto10, TravTetto11, TravTetto2, TravTetto3, TravTetto4, TravTetto5, TravTetto6, TravTetto7, TravTetto8, TravTetto9

<!-- Color key: <X3dNode DEF='idName' field='value'/> matches <XmlElement DEF='idName' attribute='value'/>
(Light blue background: behavior node) (Grey background: inserted documentation) (Magenta background: X3D Extensibility)

<!-- For additional help information about X3D scenes, please see X3D Tooltips, X3D Resources and X3D Scene Authoring Hints. -->